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Install Docker Community Ubuntu

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Install from a package 🔗 Go to, choose your Ubuntu version, then browse to pool/stable/, choose. Install Docker Engine, changing the path below to the path where you downloaded the Docker package. Verify that Docker Engine is. Ubuntu Docker install. What is a stable repository? I am following along the docker guide to set up a docker environment in Ubuntu, and came across this instruction to 'set up a stable repository'. Hi mire12 and welcome to Ask Ubuntu. I hope you find the site useful and continue to use Ubuntu for years to come! If you take a look at Docker's Installation Page you'll see that in order to configure the repository you are going to install docker from you'll run. To install Docker Engine – Community, you will need a 64-bit version of one of the following versions of Ubuntu: Disco 19.04 Cosmic 18.10 Bionic 18.04 (LTS).

Docker Community Edition Overview

Docker is a tool designed to create, deploy, and run applications using containers.

Containers allow to pack an application with all requirements necessary, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it out as one package.

This ensures that an application can run on any Linux machine, regardless of the specific settings of the host machine, which might be different from the development environment.


  • You have an account and are logged into
  • You have an Ubuntu Bionic server
  • You have configured your SSH Key
  • You have sudo privileges or access to the root user.

Installing Docker Community Edition

Docker Community Edition (CE) is the classic open source Docker environment.

1 . Before installing the latest version of Docker on your server, make sure to remove any old version that might have already been installed

Note:apt-get might report that none of these packages is installed. This is fine, and you can continue with the installation.

The result is that Docker created a container from the 'HelloWorld' image, Docker started an instance of cmd.exe in the container, and the cmd.exe read our file and output the contents to the shell. As the final step, Docker stopped and removed the container. Run a Windows container using Windows Admin Center. Docker has dozents of advantages and so is one of them to be able to use apps with a GUI isolated in a docker container. For example your Browser, TextEditor or something else. Neatless to say that this will enable you to use linux / macOS software on your windows host without messing with some hacks. Run docker linux container on windows.

2 . Update the apt package cache to make sure all required software is referenced

3 . As Docker uses HTTPS for their repository, install the required packages so apt can download them via a secure connection

4 . Add Docker's official SSH key to apt

5 . Verify the fingerprint of the key (9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88), by looking at the last 8 characters

6 . Add the repository for the stable version of Docker. For a x86_64 based server, use the following command

Note: On ARM-based servers, replace amd64 either with armhf or arm64, depending on the architecture of the CPU.

7 . Update the apt packet cache

8 . Install the latest version of Docker

9 . Verify that Docker has been installed by running the Hello World container

Managing Docker as a non-root user

The docker daemon always runs as root user and binds to a Unix socket instead of a TCP port. This Unix socket is owned by the root user by default, and other users can only access it by using sudo.

If you don't want to use sudo with the docker command, create a Unix group called docker and add users to it. The daemon makes the ownership of the Unix socket read/writable by the docker group when it starts.

Warning: Adding users to the docker group grants privileges equivalent to the root user. This can be a security risk. For more information read about Docker Daemon Attack Surface

1 . Create the docker group.

2 . Add your user to the docker group.

3 . To re-evaluate your group membership, log out and log back in.

If you are executing these commands on a virtual machine, it may be necessary to restart the VM for the changes to take effect.

4 . Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo by downloading a test-image and running it in a container

If you were using docker CLI using sudo before adding your user to the docker group, you might encounter an error message, telling you that your ~/.docker/ directory was created with incorrect permissions:

This problem can either be fixed by removing the ~/.docker/ directory or by changing the ownership and permissions using the following commands

Important: If you remove the directory, it will be created again automatically when you rerun Docker. Any custom settings will be lost.

Configuring Docker to start on boot

Ubuntu uses systemd to manage services. Docker comes with a pre-built systemd configuration, and you can enable the service to start automatically on boot

If you don't want Docker to start automatically, disable it in the same way

Building your first container

In the past, all software dependencies required to run your application had to be installed on either the physical machine or a VM.

Managing all these machines can become quite hard and if you ship your application to one of your customers (s)he might have a different system configuration and your application might not work as expected.

Let's say you want to develop a Python web application. Docker allows you to grab a portable Python runtime as an image, no installation necessary.

You develop your application, and your build can include the base Python image right alongside your app code, ensuring that your app, its dependencies, and the runtime, perfectly designed for each other are shipped together.

Creating the Dockerfile

Portable images are defined in a file called Dockerfile and define what goes on in the environment inside your container.

Resources of the server (like network interfaces or disk drives) are virtualized inside this environment, and it is isolated from the rest of your system.

This means you have to map ports to the outside world and define precisely about what files you want to copy into that environment.

Thanks to this, you can expect that the build of your application defined in the Dockerfile behaves precisely the same, no matter wherever it runs.

Building your first container, running a small web application.

1 . Create a new directory to develop your environment

2 . Enter into the directory

3 . Create a new file, called Dockerfile, copy & paste the following content into it and save the file


Creating the Application

Now as you have created your Dockerfile, it is time to create your application. Open a text editor, copy paste the following content and save the file as

Building the Container

Now as you have created a Dockerfile and the application, it is time to build the container.

1 . Check if you are in the correct directory and that both files are present

2 . Build the image. The -t tag allows you to set a friendly name for the image:

The application will recover the environment variable we have set in the dockerfile and display the containers host name.


Docker will now download the python base image and process the tasks defined in the Dockerfile:

Your image is now available in your local docker registry:

Running the Application

Now it is time to run your application for the first time.

Use the -p option to map the port 4000 of your computer to port 80 of the container:

You will see a message similar to the following:

You can notice that the application is running on port 80.

Remember, this is the internal port of your container and can reach the application by typing http://localhost:4000 in the address bar of your browser:

The application displays the internal hostname of the container and retrieves the word 'World' from the environment variable that you have set in the Dockerfile. Download putty on mac.

Sharing the Application

Docker lets you easily ship your image to a registry to share it with others.

We use the public docker registry in this example, but you can also set up a private registry to distribute the image on your infrastructure.

It is required to have a Docker account for this part of the tutorial. If you don't have one, you can create an account at

1 . Login into the Docker registry:


To associate a local image with a repository on a registry, you have to use the notation username/repository:tag.

The tag is not mandatory, but recommended as it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.

To push your image you have to run docker tag with your username, repository, and tag, so your image uploads to the desired destination.

2 . Tag the image:

3 . Publish your image:

Once the image has been pushed to Docker Hub it will be publicly available and you can see the image with its pull command in your account.

Pulling and running an Image from a Remote Repository

As your image is available on the Docker Hub now, you can run it from everywhere

If the image is not available yet on the local machine, Docker will download it from the registry.

No matter on which machine you run it, it will always run in the same environment that you have configured when you have built the image.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Supported platforms

Docker Engine is available on a variety of Linux platforms,macOS and Windows 10through Docker Desktop, and as a static binary installation. Findyour preferred operating system below.


Platformx86_64 / amd64
Docker Desktop for Mac (macOS)
Docker Desktop for Windows


Docker provides .deb and .rpm packages from the following Linux distributionsand architectures:

Platformx86_64 / amd64ARMARM64 / AARCH64

Other Linux distributions


While the instructions below may work, Docker does not test or verifyinstallation on derivatives.

  • Users of Debian derivatives such as 'BunsenLabs Linux', 'Kali Linux' or 'LMDE' (Debian-based Mint) should follow the installation instructions forDebian, substituting the version of their distro for thecorresponding Debian release. Refer to the documentation of your distro to findwhich Debian release corresponds with your derivative version.
  • Likewise, users of Ubuntu derivatives such as 'Kubuntu', 'Lubuntu' or 'Xubuntu'should follow the installation instructions for Ubuntu,substituting the version of their distro for the corresponding Ubuntu release.Refer to the documentation of your distro to find which Ubuntu releasecorresponds with your derivative version.
  • Some Linux distributions are providing a package of Docker Engine through theirpackage repositories. These packages are built and maintained by the Linuxdistribution's package maintainers and may have differences in configurationor built from modified source code. Docker is not involved in releasing thesepackages and bugs or issues involving these packages should be reported inyour Linux distribution's issue tracker.

Docker provides binaries for manual installation of Docker Engine.These binaries are statically linked and can be used on any Linux distribution.

Release channels

Docker Engine has three types of update channels, stable, test,and nightly:

  • The Stable channel gives you latest releases for general availability.
  • The Test channel gives pre-releases that are ready for testing beforegeneral availability (GA).
  • The Nightly channel gives you latest builds of work in progress for thenext major release.


Year-month releases are made from a release branch diverged from the masterbranch. The branch is created with format ., for example19.03. The year-month name indicates the earliest possible calendarmonth to expect the release to be generally available. All further patchreleases are performed from that branch. For example, once v19.03.0 isreleased, all subsequent patch releases are built from the 19.03 branch.


In preparation for a new year-month release, a branch is created fromthe master branch with format when the milestones desired byDocker for the release have achieved feature-complete. Pre-releasessuch as betas and release candidates are conducted from their respective releasebranches. Patch releases and the corresponding pre-releases are performedfrom within the corresponding release branch.

Install Docker Community Ubuntu

Install Docker Community Ubuntu Windows 10


Nightly builds give you the latest builds of work in progress for the next majorrelease. They are created once per day from the master branch with the versionformat:

where the time is the commit time in UTC and the final suffix is the prefixof the commit hash, for example 0.0.0-20180720214833-f61e0f7.

These builds allow for testing from the latest code on the master branch. Noqualifications or guarantees are made for the nightly builds.


Docker Engine releases of a year-month branch are supported with patches asneeded for one month after the next year-month general availability release.

This means bug reports and backports to release branches are assesseduntil the end-of-life date.

After the year-month branch has reached end-of-life, the branch may bedeleted from the repository.


Backports to the Docker products are prioritized by the Docker company. ADocker employee or repository maintainer will endeavour to ensure sensiblebugfixes make it into active releases.

If there are important fixes that ought to be considered for backport toactive release branches, be sure to highlight this in the PR descriptionor by adding a comment to the PR.

Ubuntu install docker command line. Install Docker Compose from Ubuntu's repository This is the easiest and recommend method. Unless you need the latest Docker Compose version for some specific reasons, you can manage very well with the docker compose version provides by Ubuntu.

Upgrade path

Patch releases are always backward compatible with its year-month version.


Docker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. SeeLICENSE for the fulllicense text.

Reporting security issues

Install Docker Community Ubuntu

Creating the Application

Now as you have created your Dockerfile, it is time to create your application. Open a text editor, copy paste the following content and save the file as

Building the Container

Now as you have created a Dockerfile and the application, it is time to build the container.

1 . Check if you are in the correct directory and that both files are present

2 . Build the image. The -t tag allows you to set a friendly name for the image:

The application will recover the environment variable we have set in the dockerfile and display the containers host name.

Docker will now download the python base image and process the tasks defined in the Dockerfile:

Your image is now available in your local docker registry:

Running the Application

Now it is time to run your application for the first time.

Use the -p option to map the port 4000 of your computer to port 80 of the container:

You will see a message similar to the following:

You can notice that the application is running on port 80.

Remember, this is the internal port of your container and can reach the application by typing http://localhost:4000 in the address bar of your browser:

The application displays the internal hostname of the container and retrieves the word 'World' from the environment variable that you have set in the Dockerfile. Download putty on mac.

Sharing the Application

Docker lets you easily ship your image to a registry to share it with others.

We use the public docker registry in this example, but you can also set up a private registry to distribute the image on your infrastructure.

It is required to have a Docker account for this part of the tutorial. If you don't have one, you can create an account at

1 . Login into the Docker registry:

To associate a local image with a repository on a registry, you have to use the notation username/repository:tag.

The tag is not mandatory, but recommended as it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.

To push your image you have to run docker tag with your username, repository, and tag, so your image uploads to the desired destination.

2 . Tag the image:

3 . Publish your image:

Once the image has been pushed to Docker Hub it will be publicly available and you can see the image with its pull command in your account.

Pulling and running an Image from a Remote Repository

As your image is available on the Docker Hub now, you can run it from everywhere

If the image is not available yet on the local machine, Docker will download it from the registry.

No matter on which machine you run it, it will always run in the same environment that you have configured when you have built the image.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Supported platforms

Docker Engine is available on a variety of Linux platforms,macOS and Windows 10through Docker Desktop, and as a static binary installation. Findyour preferred operating system below.


Platformx86_64 / amd64
Docker Desktop for Mac (macOS)
Docker Desktop for Windows


Docker provides .deb and .rpm packages from the following Linux distributionsand architectures:

Platformx86_64 / amd64ARMARM64 / AARCH64

Other Linux distributions


While the instructions below may work, Docker does not test or verifyinstallation on derivatives.

  • Users of Debian derivatives such as 'BunsenLabs Linux', 'Kali Linux' or 'LMDE' (Debian-based Mint) should follow the installation instructions forDebian, substituting the version of their distro for thecorresponding Debian release. Refer to the documentation of your distro to findwhich Debian release corresponds with your derivative version.
  • Likewise, users of Ubuntu derivatives such as 'Kubuntu', 'Lubuntu' or 'Xubuntu'should follow the installation instructions for Ubuntu,substituting the version of their distro for the corresponding Ubuntu release.Refer to the documentation of your distro to find which Ubuntu releasecorresponds with your derivative version.
  • Some Linux distributions are providing a package of Docker Engine through theirpackage repositories. These packages are built and maintained by the Linuxdistribution's package maintainers and may have differences in configurationor built from modified source code. Docker is not involved in releasing thesepackages and bugs or issues involving these packages should be reported inyour Linux distribution's issue tracker.

Docker provides binaries for manual installation of Docker Engine.These binaries are statically linked and can be used on any Linux distribution.

Release channels

Docker Engine has three types of update channels, stable, test,and nightly:

  • The Stable channel gives you latest releases for general availability.
  • The Test channel gives pre-releases that are ready for testing beforegeneral availability (GA).
  • The Nightly channel gives you latest builds of work in progress for thenext major release.


Year-month releases are made from a release branch diverged from the masterbranch. The branch is created with format ., for example19.03. The year-month name indicates the earliest possible calendarmonth to expect the release to be generally available. All further patchreleases are performed from that branch. For example, once v19.03.0 isreleased, all subsequent patch releases are built from the 19.03 branch.


In preparation for a new year-month release, a branch is created fromthe master branch with format when the milestones desired byDocker for the release have achieved feature-complete. Pre-releasessuch as betas and release candidates are conducted from their respective releasebranches. Patch releases and the corresponding pre-releases are performedfrom within the corresponding release branch.

Install Docker Community Ubuntu Windows 10


Nightly builds give you the latest builds of work in progress for the next majorrelease. They are created once per day from the master branch with the versionformat:

where the time is the commit time in UTC and the final suffix is the prefixof the commit hash, for example 0.0.0-20180720214833-f61e0f7.

These builds allow for testing from the latest code on the master branch. Noqualifications or guarantees are made for the nightly builds.


Docker Engine releases of a year-month branch are supported with patches asneeded for one month after the next year-month general availability release.

This means bug reports and backports to release branches are assesseduntil the end-of-life date.

After the year-month branch has reached end-of-life, the branch may bedeleted from the repository.


Backports to the Docker products are prioritized by the Docker company. ADocker employee or repository maintainer will endeavour to ensure sensiblebugfixes make it into active releases.

If there are important fixes that ought to be considered for backport toactive release branches, be sure to highlight this in the PR descriptionor by adding a comment to the PR.

Ubuntu install docker command line. Install Docker Compose from Ubuntu's repository This is the easiest and recommend method. Unless you need the latest Docker Compose version for some specific reasons, you can manage very well with the docker compose version provides by Ubuntu.

Upgrade path

Patch releases are always backward compatible with its year-month version.


Docker is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. SeeLICENSE for the fulllicense text.

Reporting security issues

The Docker maintainers take security seriously. If you discover a securityissue, please bring it to their attention right away!

Please DO NOT file a public issue; instead send your report privatelyto

Install Docker Community Ubuntu Windows 7

Security reports are greatly appreciated, and Docker will publicly thank youfor it.

Docker From Ubuntu

Get started

After setting up Docker, you can learn the basics withGetting started with Docker.

docker, installation, install, Docker Engine, Docker Engine, docker editions, stable, edge

broken image